Sethmire, by the Mousey
Seth, in all his colorful resplendence! By Kalen, who is Pikachupacabra on the forums.
Seth and his sister Shila (no, she hasn't shown up in comic, you're not crazy.) by Selene
Sethmire, by InsaneGoat8
Mikayla, by Aubrey
Seth, by Alina
Mikayla, by Mikael
"Revenge of the Unwanted Haircut" (lolz), by Angel Warrior Queen
"How Mikayla Changes a Lightbulb", by Tanner (Tito's shirt reads, "don't feed the Mikayla" XD)
Tito, by Rik Davnall
Mohawkie, by Rik Davnall
Kay, Gwyn, and Larry, by Sylvia
the Cast, by Kate Lin
Mikayla, by YuureiKitsune
And as for the REST of you... get off your lazy bums and draw me some fanart.


Just backgrounds for now, but I'll toss other things up here as inspiration hits me.

Real Men Wear Pink | It's Art, Bitch

Background One | Background One With Text | Silhouettes |Who Is The Scene Shop Samurai?

Background One | Background One With Text | Silhouettes

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